Members of the worshiping Assembly proclaim the Word of God during our Liturgies. For anyone who would like to consider serving as a Lector, training is provided. You may call the Parish Office if you are interested in knowing more.
Eucharistic Ministers
Members of the worshiping Assembly minister the Body and Blood of the Lord during our Liturgies. Training is provided and the commissioning by our Bishop is required. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to consider this ministry.
Music Ministry
Members of the worshiping Assembly serve as musicians, cantors and choir members during our Liturgies. If you would like to make a joyful noise to the Lord, you may call Rosemary Schmierer, Director of Music Ministry, at the Parish Office.
Altar Servers
We have a dedicated group of young men and women who assist at the altar for Mass and other services. However, we could use more. We are looking for young men and women from Grade 3 and up. He/she must have made first Eucharist and a willingness to learn what to do.
Members of the worshiping Assembly serve as ushers during the Liturgies. If you would like to be an usher, please call the Parish Office for more information.
Pastoral Caring Ministry
Members of this ministry bring the prayer and support of the community to those who are hospitalized or home bound. Please let the Parish Staff know if you or a family member would like the Pastoral Care Minister to visit or if you would like to discuss joining this Ministry.
Prayer Shawl
Once a month, members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry meet to pray and knit or crochet shawls for members of the parish who are experiencing a Cross in their lives. The shawls symbolize the prayer and the support of the community.
Bereavement Ministry
The Prayer of St. Francis speaks of our dying as a birth to eternal life. Upon learning that one among us had died, our Bereavement ministers assist grieving families in preparing to celebrate the Mass of Christian Burial. They continue their ministry by their presence at the Funeral Liturgy in church and by keeping in touch with the family of the deceased.
Food Collection at St. Casimir Church
On the first Sunday of the month, we bring nonperishable food items to the church lobby to help feed those in need. The food is distributed thorough Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry, a ministry of the First Moravian Church of Riverside.
St. Vincent dePaul at Church of the Holy Name
Vincentians join together in a bond of friendship and grow spiritually by offering person to person service to those who are in need and suffering. Through our ministry we share with others a glimpse 0f Jesus and give witness to our faith.
The mission of the society of St. Vincent de Paul is to assist those struggling to attain self sufficiency. In service to those we serve, we attempt to encourage and support independence. Assistance is given to pay rent, utilities and other needs as well as supplying food and clothing. Volunteers also provide transportation to medical appointments, shopping or church. We help those who are helping themselves.
Our conference first met in the fall of 2006 and was commissioned on the Feast of the Epiphany in January of 2007. Our General Conference Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month. Volunteers answer telephone made calls to our “hotline” Mondays through Fridays throughout the year. Our work is supported through the generosity of our fellow parishioners and fundraising efforts of our members.
Secular Franciscans
Secular Franciscans become members of a fraternity, a living and active Christian community, in which they find support and encouragement from fellow Franciscan brothers and sisters. Monthly fraternity meetings with common prayer, instruction and fellowship provide the spiritual nourishment needed to live as a Christian in the world. Meetings are held on the fourth Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the Parish Center Room #8. For information, please call the Parish Office.